Friday Mar 22, 2024

Changing Habits and Achieving Success

Welcome everyone! It's been a while, but I'm excited to catch up with you in this episode. Today's topic revolves around the compelling concept of changing habits. Yes, the old adage tells us that it takes about 30 odd days to reprogram our habits and lifestyles. So, let's dive into a personal journey I've embarked on over the last month.

Our story starts at the end of October with the changing of the clocks - marking the transition to winter. Living in a resort area, the 1st of November signifies the close of the summer season. It's a time when the hotels shut down and the bustling area becomes eerily quiet with only the local residents remaining. It's a peaceful time, except for my now palpable fear of dogs off the leash near my frequent walk spot, the wild beach.

To cope, I decided to change my routine. I started waking up at 5:30, setting out on early morning walks before any off-leash dogs could start roaming the beach. We come to our first critical point — this significant shift in my waking hours set into motion a radical transformation in my daily routine.

After waking up at 5:30, I would enjoy a morning walk with my dog, marvel at the beauty and serenity of the dawning day, and then start my daily workout or yoga session by seven o'clock. To my surprise, with this new schedule, I felt profoundly productive and full of energy. By noon, I would have accomplished so much that I felt I earned a quick nap. I also started going to sleep earlier – a health benefit commonly advised yet rarely practiced.

But this new habit went beyond tweaking my schedule; it transformed my lifestyle. I reintroduced a disciplined workout routine, switched back to a keto diet that my body loved, and noticed a significant improvement in my productivity and focus levels. Interestingly, this small change, which started merely as a sensible solution to a dog-walking issue, stirred a chain reaction that reshaped my life.

About a month into this new routine, I've found that I've garnered more than just discipline; I've achieved balance. My life feels more wholesome and fulfilling. The pleasures of watching the sunrise over the sea, feeling the crisp air, and being embraced by the beautiful surroundings have invigorated my spirit.

In conclusion, it appears that simple shifts in our daily routines can have a snowball effect, leading us to more balanced, healthier, and more productive lifestyles. So, here's to the power of changing habits. Until next time, take care!

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