Friday Feb 23, 2024

When others see your potential

Episode Description:

Join us in this episode as our host shares her fascinating journey of discovering her hidden talents and potentials through the guidance and insights of key figures in her life. From an English teacher driven by her grandmother's prophecy, a life coach inspired by a student's mother, a yoga teacher encouraged by a friend's observation, to an unmanifested potential of being a light language teacher foreseen by her spiritual mother, each story is a testament to how others can sometimes see our talents and potential more clearly than we can see them ourselves.

Our host explores these life-altering interactions with these key people in her life and discusses how their words of encouragement and prophecies transformed her path multiple times. This episode prompts you to ponder on your own experiences, urging you to recall if external influences have ever shed light on a potential within you that you were unaware of, perhaps leading you to your current path.

Join our host as she delves into her personal evolution influenced by her grandmother, friends, acquaintances, and even dedicated mentors. Hear how she developed from a girl resisting additional English lessons, to a woman embracing the unique journey of becoming an English teacher, a certified life coach, and a yoga instructor. Pay keen attention to her ongoing journey towards becoming a light language teacher, an adventure yet to unfold. Like her, could there be an unseen potential within you that someone else is urging you to explore?

Feel free to share your own experiences as you navigate the story of how she became the person she is today. Soak up the wisdom of this episode and apply it to your unique journey towards becoming who you're meant to be. Until next time, be safe and namaste.

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